
I'm Still Standing after all these years!!

Or is that lying or kneeling!  Have been toying with the idea of reviving my blog for a bit to record a bit more of the craziness that is my life.

Still have the four kids but they are growing up fast, youngest is no longer a baby he'll be a teenager soon and the oldest is now early twenties but not yet flown the nest, don't think either of us is ready for her to do that yet, phew.  Juggling houses and responsibilities in two different countries is really hard work, even if you do rack up the air miles. I never seem to keep up with the washing in either of them and the clothes I decide to wear always seem to be in the "other" house, damn it.

On the kink side I'm still vary happily the masochistic submissive of Master David, who is the Master of my dreams.  We've been together more than 5 years now and still the sound of his voice in "Dom mode", sure my fellow subs know exactly what I mean by that, makes me go weak at the knees.

He has taken me to places in my submission and in play which I thought I'd never go, no not me I'm a GOOG girl I am, honest, good girls don't do THAT!  And, if I may start a sentence so ungrammatically correctly, he's given me the confidence to be the real me and not feel bad or ashamed by it. I can admit to being a screaming masochist who is majorly turned on by pain, who can orgasm from pain alone (who even knew that one was possible!) and scream loudly from doing so never hearing a shhhhh just a 'good girl'. No need to fake misdemeanours here just to get my fix and press my reset button with the cane, now I can just hand him the cane and ask nicely and mostly he will give me a good beating to push my reset button good and proper.  Unless he's being majorly sadistic and says no which of course just makes me more annoyed and horny which he enjoys a lot too so no losers there. 

He's there in vanilla life too for when things go wrong with the kids or the car or the grass needs cutting. When I feel I just can't cope with yet another complex twist to my already stressful life he stands beside me telling me "yes you can".

Right off to medicate the damn cystitis I got from the last good session of sex and general naughtiness a couple of days ago, into every sunshine day a little rain must fall.

Good night pervy friends.

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