
Part 1 - Welcome, Wilkommen and Bienvenue

Well, how does one start, I am rather new to this whole blogging thing, but I have been so inspired by the other women who have decided to chronicle their own domestic discipline journeys (thank you Sara - findingsara.wordpress.com, C - rncblog.blogspot.com and Vivian - disciplinedfeminist.blogspot.com) that I have also decided to put pen to paper, well fingers to keyboard to be pedanctically correct, to try and capture my own slow progress down the sometimes rocky, sometimes glorious road which is DD.

Given the nature of the blog I will, of course, dedicate it to my wonderful HoH who since we started, our albeit short, DD life journey has been both a tower of strength and a smacker of bottoms, well actually just the one - mine!

Given the nature of the blog I will, of course, dedicate it to my wonderful HoH who since we started, our albeit short, DD life journey has been both a tower of strength and a smacker of bottoms, well actually just the one - mine!

So as this is "The Beginning" I suppose I should start with some kind of introduction, so here goes ... warning it may, no will, be long and rambling ...

My partner and I stumbled across the concept of Domestic Discipline (DD) completely by accident, while we were, to be honest actually searching for something erotic on the subject of spanking to augment our sex life. Reading blogs from the ladies listed above and the LDD site literally turned my life both upside down and inside out, just blowing my mind. It was if the pieces of a jigsaw which had been jumbled up for so many years inside my head had just suddenly fallen into place to reveal the image of the 'ready made solution to my problems', if only I had realised that it was "all so simple". Three months ago I had never heard of DD and now I cannot imagine living without it.

I am in my early forties with a partner in his late thirties, we have been together for a couple of years and intend to get married in the not so distant future, just need to find the time! I was married once before and have until I met my partner been bringing up, single-handedly the children from this marriage who range from primary school age to mid teens. This I had been doing at the same time as holding down a full time job in an extremely technical and male dominated environment. I have worked in this industry since I completed my Masters Degree nearly 20 years ago and am now in a senior position responsible for managing projects with large budgets typically in the 10 to 15 million Dollar bracket and have a pretty good salary commensurate with this level of responsibility.

Life has been very challenging, due to issues around my own childhood (I'll probably bore you all with more details of this in later blog entries) I picked the wrong man to marry and spent the whole of my marriage "wearing the trousers" in the relationship, bearing all of the financial, practical and emotional burdens of the family, taking on, mostly out of necessity (my ex neither had the ability nor the desire to do this) but also, to be truthful, partly as it is my nature, the Head of Household (HoH) role as well as the more traditional role of wife and mother. When I finally woke up and 'smelled the roses', extricating myself somewhat painfully from the marriage, I naturally carried on performing this role, knowing no other, acting for the last 5 years as both father and mother to my children, as well as providing the roof over their heads and the food on their table.

This was an extremely difficult and stressful time, bringing up 'lots' of children alone is hard at the best of times but doing this whilst working full time, as your life and theirs falls apart is for most people an impossible task. Indeed, I know I could not have survived these last few years if I had not been an incredibly strong, determined person. Some, might of course call me stubborn but I would counter that it was this stubborness that helped to save my life and bring me back from the brink of suicide on more than one occassion.

Today, after many years of therapy (!!) I can finally say that I am extremely proud of my achievement in both my professional life and with my children's progress, however, as to my success as a wife, this was as you may have gathered, a different story...

However, as I suspected, and you probably feared, this introduction has turned out to be rather (too) long, so to enable you all, gentle readers, to have a comfort break or to put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea, I'll stop here and put the rest in - "The Beginning - The Sequal".

Thank you for your perseverance in reading thus far, you deserve a medal, I hope you will stick around to enjoy - Part 2!


1 comment:

Vivian said...

Congratulations on a great start to your blog, Hil. I'm honored to have inspired your courageous venture into Domestic Discipline!

"The Disciplined Feminist"

PS -- If you haven't already, please read my post, "Cautions About the Loving DD Blog". I and others have serious concerns about the abusive and inaccurate nature of the advice given on the Loving DD blog -- much of which is dangerous and not at all in the spirit of true, empowered Domestic Discipline. "Mr. Loving DD" does not write as though he were actually in a DD relationship, and his refusal to answer any questions or provide any background on his own experiences further calls into question his credibility.