
A Voyage of Discovery

Well there is so much to say about our visit to the Heron's that I do not know where to start, it is all so complicated and emotional so please stay with me as I struggle to put this all into words.

Firstly, it was most of all, a wonderful journey of discovery and I have learned some very valuable lessons about myself, difficult and sometimes painful ones, but all extremely valuable. In all of this I have had the most wonderful mentors in Raheretic, Swan and T and I really do not know how to express my gratitude for all they have taught me, shared with me and endured with me.

So before I go any further, from the bottom of my heart I wish to say a public huge THANK YOU for everything to them all.

Well, how can I explain it, well perhaps I should start right from the beginning, you can read in some of my previous posts about how we initially made contact with the Clan and following this, we had a number of IM and Skype chats which resulted in Andrew finally persuading me to agree to take the guys up on their generous offer of visiting them in the US of A. It has to be said that he was becoming much more interested in the BDSM and polyamory side of life rather than the more vanilla-like DD which we were living. I was more reluctant at first being mostly happy with our DD life, but in the end chatting with all three Herons was so much fun that I decided, 'what the hell' and that I would actually like to meet them in person. So I booked the tickets and a few months later we were "leaving on a jet plane" to visit.

We did a lot of stuff, we shopped, went swimming, visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, saw a great baseball game (and Raheretic explained all the rules to me) watched the Olympics on the goggle box, ate wonderful meals made by Swan and T (they are GREAT cooks) and talked, talked, talked.

I also got to experience, from the sharp end, a significant selection from the vast arsenal of "weaponry" which the Clan posses. The first evening it was paddles of every description, the second night it was the fantastically designed flogging frame with a vast selection of floggers, whips and canes, I know not quite what was being used as I obviously could not see! The session seemed to go on for ever, but I did not want it to end, even though it was the most intensely painful experience I have ever had it was also totally and utterly mind blowing. In fact I did not come down from the high for several days. I finally visited that place the "masochists' sub-space" described so well by Swan in several of her posts. Experiencing the attentions of a true Dominant such as Raheretic was incredible, I tell you that I would not have dared to do anything but obey his every command, calling him "Sir" throughout was somehow so natural, nothing like the 'play acting' feeling I have always had when calling Andrew the same.

OMG, I was so elated but at the same time scared, if I could feel like that from such a painful 'beating' then I was finally going to really acknowledged something which I have been hiding from for some time. I am a masochist with a capital 'M', a screaming masochist was how Raheretic described it! The genie was finally out of the bottle, what on earth was I going to do, there was no way I could put him back, so all I could do was ask Raheretic to do it all again the next night of course!

So where was Andrew in all this, well he was watching it all with a view to learning the techniques of how to "successfully flog your woman". The problem was that he is not very dexterous and so was not too successful in his early attempts, becoming disheartened very quickly. All the Clan tried to jolly him along with Raheretic telling of his own early practice attempts involving exploding light-bulbs and much cleaning of dirty whip marks off walls by T. But it was becoming clear that something more fundamental than his two "left hands" was bothering him and that he was confused about the whole situation.

Given that it is now after 1 am, I'll stop here and try to finish the story tomorrow.



T said...

Lovely flowers!

Pranzer and the Clan say "Thanks"!

....now if I can just keep him from treating himself to "salad bouquet"!


Sue said...

Yup... great flowers -- and you really shouldn't have.
