
The Novice HOH

A few notes for any would-be HOH:

a) When your partner expresses a desire to stand in the corner of her own bedroom, with her trousers & knickers around her ankles, hands on head, she is both paying you a great compliment and handing you a truly awesome degree of responsibility as the HOH. Or at least that was my experience.

b) There really is a knack to adminstering discipline. Do not be over-ambitious with the use of implements - you might cause damge to your partner, as opposed to maintaining your relationship.

c) Communication is all - before and after.

d) Do not expect immediate responses. These are roles that you will both have to grow into.

e) Set a consistently high example as HOH - a task that is often far more difficult than the actual punishment but even more essential.

f) And after all of these provisos, if you are anything like us, you may well reap some very genuine and lasting benefits.

1 comment:

Constance said...

I agree with all of these, but I'd particularly like to comment on point b). I admit that I don't have any experience with implements because my HOH uses his bare hand, but it seems to me that a sound bare-handed spanking is punishment enough. (It hurts!) In Domestic Discipline, the objective is to punish, not to damage. A good HOH will be firm, but not sadistic. Lots of couples use implements, and by all means that is their choice, but I guess I would just like newcomers to realize that as ever-present as implements seem to be among spankers, they are NOT required in DD.